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Share of creative industry entities grows by 8% in Kazakhstan

Kazakh Senate Speaker Maulen Ashimbayev with a group of deputies took part in the QazaqSham forum to get acquainted with new creative industry projects and debate issues concerning the content in Kazakh initiated by the Head of State and other pressing issues. The forum brought together representatives of the creative industry and media of Kazakhstan.

He said the country’s creative industry received significant impetus. The creative industry department was established at the Kazakh Culture and Information Ministry. The creative industry state support and development measures package was adopted.

Thanks to the creative industry tax privileges the share of entities grew by 8% in a short time.

At the third session of the National Kurultai the Kazakh President drew attention to the Kazakhstani cultural wave steadily gathering pace in the region and worldwide. We see that the huge creative potential of our nation is reflected in cinema, music, literature and new art movements. We have a talented youth, he said addressing those gathered.

QazaqSham forum discusses pressing issues of the creative industry and ways to bring it to a brand new level combining the efforts of the state, business, creative figures, educational facilities as part of preparations of the content in the Kazakh language. This platform will let content makers get acquainted with new projects, exchange practices, and analyze approaches to raising the quality of content in the state language.

Following the forum, the companies signed a memorandum on joint production and creation of the content in Kazakh of interest for children.